This week we spent time doing group work. Thinking collectively in how to tell a story? What are the elements that make a story? What is the form of our stories?
Each group resumed conversations from the Island field trip and collected new thoughts and ideas. Some started reviewing images, sounds and video clips from our dropbox account. The hard drive is growing, so the material. Each group then shared their progress with the whole class: A reading from a text, a combination of images, or just sharing a single image, a clip or a thought.
For the second part of the class we had the opportunity to visit the Reanimation Library, a project by Andrew Beccone and located at Queens Museum, down the artists studios on the first floor.
At the library, we participated in a collective Investigation. A workshop facilitated by Matthew Bakkom. The workshop consisted in each of us, go over the Reanimation library and choose one image from one book, then we will share it collectivelly. We gathered around a table and heard and saw what we have found out. Our collective investigation goes to visit some distant stars, comes for massages and exercises that keep us alive and get some inside from art and design.
Here it is a video by Dominic Wong
Thanks to Judy Chu for the images.