Self-portrait Series

Dates: Sunday, August 16, 2015
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

At: Queens Museum of Art



Self-portrait Series with artist Molmol Kuo

This is a workshop combining traditional hands-on art making  and new media technology to encourage the participants to explore and present “self-portrait.”

Self-portrait is one of the most profound subjects of art making,
and is a creative exploration of self- knowledge and identity. In this 9-week long workshop the participants will learn the ideas of self-portrait through seminar discussions, hands-on art making classes and the introduction of new media technology. The instructor will begin the workshop by discussing the idea of “selfies” and involve guest speakers as well as off-site visits to broaden the participants’ perspective.

By the end of the workshop the participants will develop and create their own self-portrait projects.

Molmol Kuo is a Taiwanese new- media artist based in NY. Received an M.P.S. from NYU’s prestigious Interactive Telecommunications Program and a B.A. in Communication arts from Fu Jen University in Taiwan. Her work centers on stories, moving images, robotics, kinetics and interactive sculpture. Currently, she is working on projects with sensors and electronics, focusing on building sculptures that interact with viewers. Mrs. Kuo’s work on Treasure Hill in Taipei was featured at Scope Art Fair in Basel on 2007. Her work has been featured in London, New York, and Basel. She has also worked on organizing events ranging from street movements, underground raves, electronic arts and music festivals.

Sundays, 1–3pm
• Registration required • Free Admission

這是一個結合傳統手做以及新媒體藝 術的課程,請加入我們一起認識並且 表達自我!

“自像”一直都是藝術創作者熱衷使 用的主題,用以探索和表達自我。這 個為期九個禮拜的課程,將會帶領學 員透過深入淺出的主題討論、各式的 手做的活動、以及新科技媒體的介 紹,來拓展對於表達自我的可能性。 指導老師將會從時下網路上最流行的 自拍照-”Selfie”為引導,並邀請不 同的講者討論相關議題,以及參觀材 料博物館和互動科技中心等。讓學員 認識各種材料以及資源來啟發多元思 考。課程最後,學員們將利用所學的 資源來創作以”自我”為主題的作 品。

郭沛丰是來自台灣的新媒體藝術 家,畢業於紐約大學互動科技研究 所以及台灣輔仁大學傳播藝術科 系。作品包括動態影像、機械與互 動科技。目前的進行的計畫結合電 子感應裝置製作民眾互動的雕塑裝 置。郭沛丰曾進駐台北寶藏巖、參 與 2007 Scope藝術博覽會。作品 曾於紐約、倫敦、巴塞爾、香港以 及台灣展出。她也持續參與各種不 同的活動籌畫,包含街頭運動、電 子以及音樂的藝術節的籌畫等。

星期日, 下午 1–3pm  • 名額有限 請速報名

• 課程完全免費

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