Make!Do! Week 7

It was very hard to leave the workshop today and we ended up staying longer after the workshop ended.

The students had a million questions to ask the speakers about DIY projects —  they did  a lot of learning today.  The best part for me is seeing how making and sharing ideas can be so powerful for the students.


Guest speakers:

Becky Stern from Adafruits  talked about hacking household items  when she had knee injuries and couldn’t walk or leave her apartment. She brought some wearable projects like a voice reactive hat, a soft Spiky blinky hoodie, and a purse that lights up for our show and tell.  Becky also showed a few tutorials she made about knitting and sewing with conductive materials, and using fabrics to make touch-sensitive switches for wearable projects.  Check them out on the adafruit learning system and oh– of course  ” it is available online for free“.

John Shimmel from DIYability and NYU Poly showed us a good time at his Demo session, he made a few different on/off switches using different conductive materials and a makey makey.  Like hacking toys or a farting music player(!)

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