Week 5 marked the mile stone of this Quantified Selfie production workshop.   At this point, our students had accumulated 5 weeks worth of self-tracking data that in some way represent who they were as individual, for example: health, routines, interests, diet, learning, the amount of personal trash created daily … ; as well as their relationships with their community, for example: where they move/ travel to, how other people around them make they feel, what they see / hear on the streets…

We started the workshop with artist, Zach Lieberman, to talk about his projects on the intersection of drawing and code.  After his talk, Zach led the students to work on a series of exercise that used programing language and code to make drawings without using a single computer.   Here’s what it looks like during the workshop exercise:

Human Fax Machine  –  Look at how fax machines uses audio frequency tone to transmit image.  The students were divided into groups of senders and receivers,   and  described a simple image/ shape made of lines and 90 degree angles with sound.


Instructional drawings: Using a set of instruction, groups of four complete  large drawing together.


The artists whose works were introduced:  Manfred Mohr, Roman Vestroko, and Lia, and James Clar.

A continues line:

The artists whose work were introduce here: John Maeda, Theo Watson, MoMo tags the width of manhattan, EDHV |DeBug, IQ Font,  Perpetual Storytelling machines byJulius von Bismarck & Benjamin Maus .

note: Nathalie Miebach is an artist who create low-tech data collecting device to collect weather data and turn the data into sculptures.

The second sessions of the workshop are dedicated for the students to develop data visualizing techniques,  and make drawings using their own self-monitored data.  Fresh out of the drawing workshop, the students develop their own code and set of instructions on a piece of paper and then transform them into a miniature sculpture.


第5週在這個量化自拍工作坊的製作程序中是個里程碑。此刻,我們的學員累積了5個星期有意義的自我追蹤數據, 例如:健康、路程、興趣、飲食、學習等的層面,人格特質也從這日常生活中養成看出端倪,在某種程度上已經可形成一個獨立的代表,好比說和社群的互動關係:工作或閑暇時的動線/ 與何種類型朋友有交集/感覺如何/街坊的所見所聞、、、

工作坊一開始由藝術家Zach Lieberman講述他融合繪畫與編碼的創作歷程,之後Zach帶領大家不需使用電腦,但以程式語言的邏輯概念,運用繪畫方式來編碼和解譯,進行ㄧ系列的圖像製作,以下是練習的情況:

人體傳真機-模擬傳真機如何利用聲音的音調和頻率來傳送影像,學員們分成發送和接收的小組,先用不同的聲音代表直線或90度角, 利用這些聲音的串聯,畫出簡單的圖形。


介紹藝術家Manfred Mohr, Roman Vestroko, and Lia, and James Clar的作品和理念。

介紹藝術家John Maeda, Theo Watson, MoMo tags the width of manhattan, EDHV |DeBug,

IQ Font, Perpetual Storytelling machines byJulius von Bismarck & Benjamin Maus. 的作品和理念。

小記:藝術家Nathalie Miebach 製作低技術性的資料集合裝置,用以搜集天氣的數據,轉換成雕塑作品。


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