Creative Watercolor III in Mandarin – Week 7

In this class, we learned how to prepare our drawings and have it ready for binding into a book.  To do so…

  1. We will first need to punch holes into the pages to make sure it aligns with the book cover.  Since the book cover is slightly larger than the pages, we will need to mark where the hole will be when the page is centered to the book cover.
  2. Take the first page of your book and place it center to the cover.  Use a pencil to mark the holes through the book cover.  We will use this first page as a punch guide for all other pages.  Since we are using 140lb thick watercolor paper, we will need to score the paper with a crease maker to ensure the pages can be easily flipped.
  3. Mark where the crease should be by aligning it with the fold on the front cover and score the paper with a crease maker and ruler.  Please remember to bring all the drawings and book covers to be assembled next week.  We will also have a small potluck in our last class, so please bring some snack to share with everyone.

在本次課程中,我們學習如何準備作品, 好在下週裝訂成書。 我們首先需要在頁面上打孔以確保內頁與作品集封面對齊。 由於作品集封面略大於頁面,我們需要把頁面放置在封面的中心後時標記孔的位置。 把書的第一頁放置於封面的中心位置。 用鉛筆穿過書籍封面上的孔標記打洞的位置。 我們將用第一頁作為其他頁面打孔的模板。 由於我們使用的是140磅厚的水彩紙,我們需要使用摺紙刮刀對紙張畫線,以確保頁面可以輕鬆翻閱。 將頁面放在封面中心看封面上的摺痕來標記內頁摺痕的位置,並使用摺紙刀和尺在紙張上進行刻劃。 下週將會是我們最後的一堂課。請把所有的作品圖紙和書籍封面帶來縫製成書。我們也會有一個簡單的Potluck,所以請學員也能夠帶小點心一起分享。


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