Creative Watercolor III in Mandarin – Week 8

In our last class, we learned how to finish our book by sewing the book covers and pages with Japanese stab binding.

To do so…

  1. Make sure all of the holes in the pages and book cover are aligned.  Measure the amount of wax thread you need, the length is six times the length of the book spine.
  2. Thread your needle and start pulling the needle through the second hole from the back cover side.  Wrap the needle around the spine and back to the second hole.  Make sure to leave a 3-4 inch thread at the end to be tied later when we loop back. Continue to go through the first hole and wrap the needle around the spine and back through.  Wrap the thread around the bottom of the book and come back to the first hole.  Loop the thread through the second hole and go through the third hole.  Continue the same step of wrapping around the spine first then going to the fourth hole.
  3. Eventually, go around the top of the book and loop the thread back the fourth and third hole and tie a dead knot where the thread ends meet.  Make sure to pull the thread snug to tighten the binding, and make the holes bigger so you won’t stick your needle into the middle of the previous wax thread.

在這最後ㄧ堂課中我們學習如何把封面和內頁裝訂縫製成一本書。首先確保頁面和封面的四個孔都對齊。測量你需要的蠟線的長度,長度是書脊的六倍長。將針穿好並開始將針從後蓋穿過第二個孔。將針纏繞在脊柱上並返回第二個孔。確保在末端留下3-4英寸的線以方便最後打結。繼續穿過第一個洞並將針頭纏繞在脊柱上並重新穿過。將線纏繞在書本底部並返回第一個洞。將線穿過第二個孔並穿過第三個孔。繼續沿著脊柱纏繞然後到第四個洞的相同步驟。最後繞過書的頂部,將線圈繞回第四洞和第三洞,並在線頭結束的地方打上一個死結。穿線的過程中要把線拉緊。為了怕把針穿過之前穿好的蠟線中間,我們要把封面和內頁上的孔打大一點。今天學員們都完成了各自的藝術書。每件作品都充滿了自己的內涵,觀念和創意。Great job! 如果有興趣想要在自創書籍的學員可以上以下連結購買裝訂書的工具。


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