Bajo la dirección individual del professor, los estudiantes dedicaron esta última sesión a terminar los paisajes que habían empezado dos semanas antes; usando como referente las fotgrafías de paisjismo.

Una vez más se le anunció a los estudiantes que el cierre del Taller será el día 28 de Abril en el Queens Museum a la misma hora (2:30PM).

Sixth Session: 4/21/18

50 min. – The Students on this day engaged into their final projects from the moment they come in. They each are working on their landscapes from previous classes. Others created their own scene or revisited the body.

5 min.– At this time the students take a break. They look at each other’s art and fill out survey about the class.

55 min–The students go back to their final drawings or start a new possibility if they are finish. They also fix some of their previous drawings and decide which ones to take home.

10 min.– The students clean their area and prepare their art for transport.

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