Mini-painting Workshop 微型繪畫工作坊

English below.


有一位大叔将自己女儿小时候画的一只小鹿重新画在了小画框上,再当作礼物送给女儿;还有一对白发老人过来画画。爷爷将画框里涂满白色,在画框里写上:天道酬勤。 专门用了金色字。奶奶在画框里画了中国传统的菊花。画家画菊,兴于唐宋,盛于明清。中国有着独特的菊文化,种菊,赏菊,咏菊的传统。这对老 人的作品,让我体会到他们那个年代的人对艺术的感受。身处一个文化多元的国度,传统文化的根还是深深的烙印在这对老人的身上;有一个小朋友和妈妈一起过来,他们临摹了同一张可爱的猫咪;还有几个年轻的小姐妹开车从长岛过来,她们分别画了可爱的熊猫,花和毕加索的立体派女人。


This mini painting workshop was really, really interesting. More than 50 people came to the workshop. Most people have no professional drawing skills, but were interested in the subject and enjoyed the program.

There was a young man who had painted his daughter’s painting on a small picture frame and gave it to his daughter as a gift. A couple of white-haired old men came to draw. Grandpa painted the frame white and wrote in the frame: “god pays off.” He specialized in the gold paint inscription. Grandma drew Chinese traditional chrysanthemums in the frame. The painter painted chrysanthemum, flourishing in the tang and song dynasties, Flourished in the Ming dynasties and Qing dynasties. China has a unique culture of chrysanthemum. The work of the old man made me realize how the people of their time felt about art. In a country with diverse cultures, the roots of traditional culture are deeply imprinted on the elderly. One of the children came with their mother, who copied the same lovely cat. Several young sisters drove from long island, drawing cute pandas, flowers, and Picasso’s cubist women.

Everyone loved this art form, everyone is different, the drawing will be your most gentle story, using their natural painting language, showing in this little heart, turned into a pair of not broken small paintings.


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