Creative Watercolor III in Mandarin – Week 1

In our first class of the Creative Watercolor III workshop, we introduce the “Artist’s book” as a medium of artistic expression.  The format is unrestricted and the contents are limitless. The artist’s book usually breaks the bound of a traditional book format.  An artist has a high degree of control and can implicate different notions of sequence, repetition, juxtaposition, and duration in their book.  We will use watercolor paintings to create an artist’s book.

今天的課程先介紹了不同種類的“Artist’s book” 藝術家書。除了常見的“ Catalogue”- 目錄型作品集和 “Monograph” – 專著,很多藝術家以書的型態來創作。藝術家書大部分形式多變,內容自由,時常打破書本的既定樣貌。藝術書讓藝術家們可以表現和抒發內容呈現的方式與編排模式,利用作品多元的排列來詮釋創作宗旨以及觀念。這次的課程我們將運用水彩技巧來創造出一本藝術家書。學員可以用水彩畫,文字,詩,照片和各種復合型態來組成自己的藝術書。這堂課我帶了幾本書為樣本。以下可以 書法你是書名和作者:

‘Blue Chicken’, by Deborah Freedman

‘Sara Berman’s Closet’, by Maria Kalman and Alex Kalman

‘Tableaux Eclates’ by Niki de Saint Phalle

‘One-Track Mind’, by Philip Ashforth Coppola

‘Georgia O’Keeffe : Canyon Suite’, Introduction by Barbara J. Bloemink

‘Francesco Clemente: New Works’, edited by Enrique Juncosa

‘Niki de Saint Phalle The Garden of Secrets’, by Dominique Osuch and Sandrine Martin

‘Amy Sillman: Works on paper’, text by Wayne Koestenbaum

‘Central Park – 24 Solar Terms’, by Jeff Chien-Hsing Liao

‘Urban Circus’, by Eleen Lin

‘Compostela: Lorna Simpson’, by Lorna Simpson

紐約圖書館和皇后區圖書館也有很多藝術家書可以參考。藝術書因為限量,所以只能在圖書館內觀看。有興趣的學員可以找以下的藝術家的藝術家書,或者參觀The Center of Book Art。這些藝術家都以常創造藝術書知名:

Dieter Roth

William Blake

Ed Ruscha

Tauba Auerbach

Paul Chan

Martin Kippenberger

Albert Oehlen

Raymond Pettibon

William Wegman

Warja Lavater


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