Creative Watercolor III in Mandarin – Week 5

In this class, we learned how to create a hardcover book cover and back cover.  This type of cover design is specific for Japanese stab binding.  First, we cut the cardboard to the size of our book.  For the front cover we cropped an inch off the board, this allows us to leave a gap in between (2 cardboard width) so it can easily open.  We use an awl to punch holes on the sideboard and the back cover.  Remember to leave at least ¼”gap from the edge of the cardboard.  Brush an even layer of PVA glue on the cardboard and adhere it onto a piece of watercolor paper.  Trim 45 degree off the corner of the watercolor paper.  Do not trim too close to the board, leave around 1/8”gap so the watercolor paper can wrap over the whole corner.  Add glue on to the wrap edges and use a bone folder to assist with gluing the edge.  Once the glue has set we can create a watercolor hardcover.  Students can also choose to use fabric or decorative paper the wrap the cover.

在本課程中,我們學習如何製作精裝書的封面和封底。 這種封面設計是專門用在線裝書冊上。 首先,我們將紙板切割成書的大小。 封面必須從紙板裁剪一英寸,讓我們可以在兩塊紙板中留出2個紙板寬度的間隙。這樣封面就可以輕鬆打開。 我們使用錐子在側板和後蓋上打洞。 記得洞口最少要離紙板邊緣1/4英寸。 在紙板上刷一層均勻的PVA膠,然後將它粘在一張水彩紙上。 貼好後把水彩紙的角落以紙板45度的角度切割。記得不要切太靠近紙板,要留下大約1/8“英寸的間隙,這樣水彩紙才可以涵蓋整個角落。 在水彩紙的邊緣刷上膠水,並使用摺紙刀來幫助膠合邊緣。 一旦膠水凝固,我們就可以在封面和背面創作水彩畫。 學員們也可以選擇使用布料或包裝紙來做封面。


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